Unlocking Mental Wellness, One Article at a Time

Explore our collection of short, informative articles that offer valuable insights and guidance on supporting your mental health needs. Each article is carefully crafted to guide you through your personal growth, helping you navigate the challenges with practical tips and achieve a state of well-being with valuable resources. Take charge of your mental wellness, one article at a time, and apply the concepts of mental wellness outside the therapy room.

Harper White Harper White

Why do I feel so anxious in my new relationship?

If you spend the majority of your time wondering what your partner thinks of you, you are likely forgetting to ask yourself how you feel about the relationship and if your partner is able to meet your needs.

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Jasmeet Bhullar Jasmeet Bhullar

To the People who Don’t Lose

When you tell yourself losing is not an option, you’re really just denying reality and changing the rules of the game. The key to healthy relationships is accepting reality which sometimes means taking an L for the team and stepping up to lead better next time.

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Harper White Harper White

What is Psychodynamic Therapy?

Psychodynamic therapy helps people gain insight into their thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and key relationships to reduce their distress and improve their quality of life. Therapists who practice the more modern, psychodynamic therapy, make the process feel natural, collaborative, and comfortable.

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Jasmeet Bhullar Jasmeet Bhullar

What do our patterns say about us?

What happens when we consistently use the same behaviors, make the same choices, and then find ourselves in the same situations? This is how we truly establish patterns.

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