I am nervous about starting therapy!

Online Therapy California CBT Counselor Counseling Therapist Change Anxiety Goals Self Growth Identity Relationship Conflict Starting Therapy

Let’s be real. These days, it seems as though everyone around you is in therapy. One of your friends  constantly quotes her therapist at brunch and makes you wonder “maybe it’s time to start therapy.” Starting therapy may feel nerve wracking, anxiety-inducing and overwhelming, but it can also be the start of an important relationship in your life. 

Let’s state the obvious first; , especially in the beginning, a therapist is a TOTAL stranger. Cultivating a relationship with a stranger can feel terrifying, especially when you’re about to tell them personal things about yourself! Over the course of your work together your therapist will hear about the most honest parts of you, and meet them with compassion, validation and empathy. Therapy is a collaborative process and requires both you and your therapist to develop the therapeutic relationship together. 

Okay, so how do you find this amazing therapist who you share these deep and intimate parts of yourself with?  Start with some phone calls. If you don't like your friend’s therapist, or maybe you want a different therapist who doesn’t also know your friend; that’s ok, there are many out there that may be a better fit. Also remember that just as the therapist is asking questions about you, you are allowed to (and encouraged!) to ask them any questions about themselves, including how they practice, the types of people they work with, and some of the issues they work with. 

Therapists will hold you accountable, serve as a support for you, and foster hope for the future. All while, your therapist will give you tools, skills, and resources to help you navigate the next chapters of your life. Starting therapy can be nerve-wracking, and it’s an important step to discovering the most authentic, confident and whole version of you.


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